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This is a product of GRENKE LEASING Ltd.
Young couple, focused on tablet screen, working to activate customer portal, receive invoices by email with easy accounting. Manage GRENKE contracts securely.

Time to Activate

Your Hire Agreement is live and you need to make your Leasing journey simple. Access your Customer Portal and set your preference. 

Everything in view. Everything under control.

The Customer Portal puts you in control of your leasing journey. Managing your data, documents and invoices, all on our accessible portal. Customer Portal puts you in control of your leasing journey.

Want to receive your invoices to an accounts email address, it makes sense. Simply update your invoice preferences on the Portal.

Your Benefits

So what can we activate today?

Young man in office, focused on laptop screen, activating his Customer Portal for secure access to GRENKE contract details, terms, instalments, and invoices, with safe data management.

Customer Portal

Activate your Customer Portal and get access to all relevant information on your GRENKE contracts, such as terms, instalments, contract numbers and invoices. Safe and secure, your data and invoices can be accessed and amended at any time. 

Young man and woman in modern office, focused on customer screen. Optimise invoice management with direct delivery to accounts email via Customer Portal, hassle-free and secure with GRENKE.

Invoices via Email

Receive your invoices when they are due, direct into your accounts email. No searching, no hassle. This option can be selected in the Customer Portal anytime, but best to start set off with everything as you need it.

All we need to get you started

A few things we need to set up your portal today! 

Icon 1 representing initial steps to set up portal and invoice via email. Efficiently streamline activation with GRENKE for seamless account setup.

Welcome Pack

Sent via email or post on the activation of your Agreement.

Icon 2 representing activation steps for setting up portal and email invoicing. Ensure smooth account setup and management with GRENKE.


Visit the GRENKE Customer Portal and select "Registration".

Icon 3 representing essential requirements to activate portal and email invoicing. Simplify setup process with GRENKE for effective account management.


Enter your details plus the code and access your Portal.

Icon 4 representing a quick guide to activate portal and email invoicing. Expedite setup with GRENKE for efficient account handling.

New Code

Misplaced your code? Request another one at [email protected].

Icon 1 representing initial steps to set up portal and invoice via email. Efficiently streamline activation with GRENKE for seamless account setup.

Welcome Pack

Sent via email or post on the activation of your Agreement.

Icon 2 representing activation steps for setting up portal and email invoicing. Ensure smooth account setup and management with GRENKE.


Visit the GRENKE Customer Portal and select "Registration".

Icon 3 representing essential requirements to activate portal and email invoicing. Simplify setup process with GRENKE for effective account management.


Enter your details plus the code and access your Portal.

Icon 4 representing a quick guide to activate portal and email invoicing. Expedite setup with GRENKE for efficient account handling.

New Code

Misplaced your code? Request another one at [email protected].


Issue with your Portal

If you are experiencing any issues with your Portal, please contact our Team.