“GRENKE lease a variety of equipment to the media sphere, including cinema cameras, lenses, photographic equipment and lighting, video and projecting provisions”


Media and the mind...

Movies, box-sets, Netflix – most British households have been relying on in-home entertainment more than ever in the last 20 months.

Entertainment is an exciting and important element of our lives has a powerful impact on our memory, as reported here by the award-winning event company Talking Tree Creative1

“We remember emotionally-charged events, so logically, if we attach emotion to a piece of content, we’re more likely to hold on to the information. This is because the brain actually stores or encodes emotional sensory experiences differently to regular ones... when we confront an event and need to store a memory that is emotionally-charged, these parts of the brain work together, reinforcing the memory and our ability to recall,” it states.

Even guilty pleasures such as binge-watching television re-runs can not only lift the human spirit but incite constructive behaviours.


Keeping the cameras rolling...

Now that we can justify re-watching Downton Abbey… How can resellers help the entertainment and media industry revive?

Behind the scenes, media and entertainment rely on a great deal of hardware to make magic happen. Production requires cameras, screens, lighting, instruments and monitors along with software to digitally create the incredible visuals and sounds we experience every time we switch on our screens. 

During a time of strict budgets, studio closures or restricted filming conditions, could asset finance help get the cameras rolling. 

GRENKE help equipment resellers lease a variety of equipment to the media industry, including cinema cameras, lenses, photographic equipment and lighting, video and projecting provisions.

Not restricted to the entertainment realm, many companies also require the use of this creative technology for design, the production of reports, presentations or marketing materials, and benefited from a leasing option over purchasing these innovative technologies.

Our thirst for entertainment and media is greater than ever, so how about a hand for the creatives and offering a new way to pay for the equipment they need.

Find out more about becoming a GRENKE Partner and how it could work for your sales strategy, get in touch today.


1/Talking Tree Creative, 01/2019