GRENKE for retail

Want to make it easier to plan your short-term and medium-term cash flow, despite high costs of goods sold and challenging receivables management? Let us show you how with our tailored solutions.

Wholesale and retail are at the heart of the UK economy. However, an ever-increasing amount of turnover in these sectors is being generated online. Are you well placed to tackle the certain future of retail?

Your customers expect top quality at all times, along with exceptional supply capability and flexible payment options. The problem is that all of this requires investment and ties up cash flow.
Capital and cash flow are critical factors in retail, in particular where margins are razor-thin.
GRENKE offers the right products and personal financial advisors for retail. With intelligent leasing, we help you invest in giving your customers every excuse to buy. Convenient invoice finance helps to ensure a steady flow of money into the tills. It’s easy, tailor made and on excellent terms.

Call us

Get in touch with us via

+44 1483 401 700

Mo - Fr 8.30 am - 5 pm

Keep your business running

Many leading retail companies already rely on products and financial consulting from GRENKE. Retailers are now leasing the latest EPOS systems, investing in warehouse equipment and securing their warehouses with security systems. All with GRENKE.

Improve cash flow with monthly or quarterly payments to use the latest equipment, results in focus only on growth and stabilisation for the future. With all this at your fingertips, be safe in the knowledge, your business and remain at the cutting edge, without risking your business?

Your idea. Our solutions.

No matter what your needs, our solution-finder will help you to find a service that fits your company perfectly.

Find the right solution

How can we help you?
Sales support
Advanced Financing
Cash Flow for Companies
Asset Financing
Cash Flow
Asset Financing
Asset Financing
Cash Flow for Start-ups
To your solution

How do you shape the future?

We deliver so you can deliver

Nowadays, effective warehouse logistics and the ability to deliver the required quantities on time with minimal capital tie-up are essential. This requires a substantial degree of automation and the necessary investments. Our solution: Leasing.

Give yourself freedom

What makes retail different? Your customer! The management of the endless array of payment queries and little financial requests that take up a lot of your time. Let our professional account managers take care of the admin. Give your workforce the freedom to focus on developing your brand.


Your needs are unique, and so is our offer.

Do you have a very special request? Let’s talk about it. We don't hide behind email or in our offices. We will come see you and work through your ideas together.

Popular products for retail

Still not entirely sure how we can help you? Learn about specific products that release cash into your business or allow you to make key investments whilst keeping capital where it belongs - in your business.