GRENKE for service providers

The way you meet the challenges of your customers goes above and beyond. But are you as good at dealing with your own challenges, especially when your financial acumen is limited and you need to act quickly? No problem – thanks to solutions GRENKE offer.

You may be in charge of a digital agency that needs to finance new design software. Maybe you run a travel agency and are thinking about new furniture for your retail space. Or you have just opened a fitness studio that you need fill with the latest equipment.


Whatever services you provide, you all have one thing in common: a focus on the customer. So why shouldn’t the same be true with our financial service to you?

Your business needs solutions that work for you. Solutions that are available quickly – and that offer value to your customer. Solutions that come with a personal financial advisor.

We will provide you the same level of service you commit to your customer.

Call us

Get in touch with us via

+44 1 483 401 755

Mo - Fr 8 am - 6 pm

We are experiencing a high volume of calls. As an alternative please email [email protected].

Why us?

Why choose us? The answer is simple: we are service providers ourselves – and have been since 1978. We know how important it is to make quick decisions; to keep up with the needs of your customers; to grow alongside them; and some cases stay ahead of them and predict their needs.

It’s a great feeling, making a difference and sharing your expertise? Talk to us and enjoy the benefits of our expertise in financial consulting for service providers.

Your ideas. Our solutions.

No matter what your needs, our solution-finder will help you to find a service that fits your company perfectly.

Find the right solution

How can we help you?
Sales support
Advanced Financing
Cash Flow for Companies
Asset Financing
Cash Flow
Asset Financing
Asset Financing
Cash Flow for Start-ups
To your solution

What do you have planned?

Think bigger, grow bigger

If you want to achieve greatness, you shouldn’t have to wait for payments to reach you in order to take the next step. Give yourself the freedom you need – with your finances and for your peace of mind.

With invoice finance from GRENKE.

Ideally equipped

Servers, laptops or modern software – you don’t have to buy them outright and lose valuable capital. Just lease them. That way, when the need changes, technology advances or even bigger demands need meeting, you can respond, quickly and without more heavy financial investments.

Popular products for service providers

Still not entirely sure how we can help you? Learn about specific products that release cash into your business or allow you to make key investments whilst keeping capital where it belongs - in your business.