GRENKE for tradespeople

Whether you are a locksmith, a painter or a fitter – as a craftsman you need solutions that reduce your office hours and financial worries. Solutions that GRENKE can offer.

As different as the job descriptions in the trade industry may be, they all have similar requirements from a commercial perspective. Our financial solutions are tailored to trades and to the talent that work within them. 

We provide support in the form of made-to-measure financing solutions so that shipbuilders can focus entirely on designing the perfect keel, interior designers can devote their attentions to furnishing trends and orthopaedic technicians can spend their time ensuring optimum ergonomics.

Call us

Get in touch with us via

+44 1483 401 700

Mo - Fr 8.30 am - 5 pm

Ensuring that your trade turns a profit

Your business may well be your calling. But as rewarding as the work may be, it won’t be a success if you don’t make the best decisions for your balance sheet. We’re there to help if you’re looking for a way of investing in your business now without putting too much strain on your financial buffer. Leasing the latest tools that could ensure the next prospect is yours. Invoice Finance would ensure your focus is on the job at hand rather than chasing outstanding payments.

Your ideas. Our solutions.

No matter what your needs, our solution-finder will help you to find a service that fits your company perfectly.

Find the right solution

How can we help you?
Sales support
Advanced Financing
Cash Flow for Companies
Asset Financing
Cash Flow
Asset Financing
Asset Financing
Cash Flow for Start-ups
To your solution

What would you need?

More time for the important stuff

Often when you’re overloaded with work, you don’t quite manage to prepare your urgently needed invoices, let alone check your incoming payments. Outsource your accounts receivable management. Invoice Finance with GRENKE makes it really easy for you.

Getting your hands on the best

You have the skills, we can provide the tools. Your customers require your specialist knowledge, why not use ours to help you gain access to the best equipment without making a huge investment. 


Your needs are unique, and so is our offer.

Do you have a very special request? Let’s talk about it. We don't hide behind email or in our offices. We will come see you and work through your ideas together.

Popular products for tradespeople

Still not entirely sure how we can help you? Learn about specific products that release cash into your business or allow you to make key investments whilst keeping capital where it belongs - in your business.