The companies that may have been least affected financially by the pandemic are those who rely on robotics.

Professor Robert Richardson, Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, shares with us the pivotal role robotics could play in protecting our health on their website1. “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen examples of specific tasks that robots are able to carry out while removing humans from risk – including disinfecting spaces and transporting medical supplies and food around hospitals.”

With new information and case studies, it isn’t surprising that one in three UK adults believe robotics could play a key role in protecting us from further pandemic effects in the future, according to the EPSRC survey.


Which industries could benefit?

The time couldn’t be more suitable for suppliers to recommend leasing robotic technology to a wide variety of sectors. In a recent article by Varsity, just some of the industries that currently benefit include; the automotive industry, furniture, plastics and polymers and the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector.


What can robotics actually do?

A case of ‘how long is a piece of string’ technology has robotics carrying out tasks often limited only by our imaginations.

The healthcare industry utilises robots in the production of medical parts such as prosthetic limbs and devices such as pacemakers also dispensing and counting of tablets within hospitals. Robotics can also enhance the accuracy of many surgical procedures, all according to Varsity.

In one of the biggest-earning manufacturing sectors, the automotive industry, robotics play a critical role. From small tasks such as screw driving, assembly, and painting to heavier functions including moulding machinery and lifting engine foundries, technology has become a near-necessity.




The back story...

The UK have been hesitant when it comes to the implementation of robotics in the past, often falling behind other parts of the world, as reported here3 by Rachel Whitehouse for Innovation and Insight at Auditel in 2019.

Reasons for this, according to The Engineer4, could be unwillingness to change production processes, pride in keeping old machinery running or fear of industrial action.


Moving forward

The scope of what robotics can achieve is astounding, however, and the pandemic has undoubtedly nudged us towards change when it comes to our business landscape and public opinion on this technology.

In this report by Analytics Insight5 the industries that could benefit by adopting robotics, include crop harvesting, restaurants, education, crime investigation and more.

With companies seeking to future-proof, protect employees, increase productivity and ensure accuracy – now might be the time for a robotic revolution. 

At grenke we have the expertise and knowledge to tailor bespoke financial solutions for the latest in robotics. Both those selling and those buying could benefit from leasing solutions

The state of the art technology is accessible with flexible and affordable payments over a preferred leasing term. 

What to become a grenke Reseller and have the opportunity to offer companies pandemic proof programming, contact us today. 

1/Prof R.Richardson, Engineering and Physical Science Research Council, 06/2020
2/D.Gleason, Varsity, 07/2020
3/R.Whitehouse, Auditel, 04/2019
4/The Engineer, 10/2019
5/K.Some, Analytic Insight, 06/2019