This is a product of GC Factoring Ltd.


Looking for made-to-measure financing solutions that will reduce your office hours and financial worries - grenke can offer a cash flow solution tailored to UK construction businesses. Project execution can depend entirely on cash flow. Payment delays mean delays in delivery and overall profitability of any site. Ensure you turn a profit with invoice finance from grenke. 

Construction businesses often front much of their projects’ costs before ever sending out the first invoice, which leaves them especially vulnerable to cash flow issues. Managing cash flow is of the utmost importance, without a steady stream of cash, a company may not be able to pay its expenses, no matter how many new projects it has lined up.

By providing essential cash flow for UK manufacturers, grenke ensures the financial leeway to keep current projects moving forward. grenke have a varied product range to suit any business, at any stage of cash flow issues. Working with clients helping solve issues of delayed payment, account management and credit limit reductions and ultimately helping their businesses grow. 

"It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it's the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time."

// David Allan Coe

Why grenke?

grenke provide up to 90% of invoices within 24 hours. This sets us apart from other providers. We release more capital for construction companies to use when it is needed. We work closely to ensure facilities are in place to remove the need to chase payments as soon as possible, whilst providing instant finance to cover the day-to-day operational costs. We understand the impact a few late payments can have and can remove the risk of any cash shortfalls. 
Our personal approach to invoice finance offers dedicated Account Managers to support your business with its cash flow. No call centres, just one contact for your business. Our professional reminder service guides your debtors to pay within their payment terms and secure your business what it is owed. All whilst giving full access to the process with transparency on your invoice status via our highly-rated Portal.


A construction business has completed a large project and has had the sign-off from the customer, issuing the final invoice as part of their retainage agreement. The 12% invoice would aid the investment of key materials for their next major project. Under the 30-day payment terms, the company holds off on purchasing the materials leaving them open to price increases. With invoice finance from grenke, they receive 90% of the outstanding invoice allowing them to get their materials at the best price and start their new project ahead of schedule. 


An established construction team has taken on a specialist building project with the potential to bring huge profits and recognition for the team. However, they will need to invest in several specialist piece of equipment and technology. Not seeing the potential for future use and without the capital to invest, they decide to lease the items for a period of 4 years, the likely project completion date. They access the latest equipment and are able to deliver the project all whilst paying monthly for the equipments use. 


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Do you have a very special request? Let’s talk about it. We don't hide behind email or in our offices. Let us arrange a time to work through your ideas together.

Popular products for Manufacturing

Still not entirely sure how we can help you? Learn about specific products that release cash into your business or allow you to make key investments whilst keeping capital where it belongs - in your business.

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Cash Flow for Companies
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Cash Flow
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