The shift in working environments through the disruption of the pandemic has monumentally changed the perception of working from home. Research found that 60% of the UK’s adult population have been working from home during the Coronavirus lockdown and 26% of Brits plan to continue to work from home permanently or occasionally after lockdown.
The services environment (amongst many other industries) has changed for good.
Adaptability has been key to continuing to keep the invisible workforce efficient whilst at home. Large investments have been made to assist staff in setting up a suitable home working station and close the digital divide for those staff so used to being in an office environment.
Businesses have been investing in assets such as:
- Suitable Desks and Chairs
- New Laptops
- Monitors (and cables / junction boxes)
- Office Software
- Anti-Virus Software
- Wifi Boosters / Range Extenders
- Video Conferencing Software
- VOiP Phone Systems
- Home Printers
Whilst the future may see operational costs (e.g. office space and facilities expenses) plummet with less staff on site, the investment costs to set up staff at home are affecting the balance sheet now. In a time of low cash flow amongst most SMEs, the investment need could not have come at a worse time.
If you have a shopping list of assets to purchase, leasing could see you access every item your employees need, now, without denting precious cash flow in the process. Spread the cost of necessary equipment over 36 months, 60 months or any period that suits your business.
Whether you choose to lease everything in one go, or wish to set up a facility to drawdown from, grenke has the product to suit you.